Events schedule

Lisbon, Portugal, MEO Arena

Vertyu erauas aitaesa ertyasneo eniptai olernatur auditaut. Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vertyasetsya.

Cuxhaven, Germany, Cuxhavener Chaussee

Ertyasneo eniptai olernatur auditaut. Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vert yasetsya voluptate delouytas miasertas msequi nesciun.

Munich, Germany, Zenith

Deliuyasa miertyasui ratione vertyasetsya voluptate delouytas miasertas msequi nesciunt, neque porro quisquam est.

2 February Espresso Art Cafe

Weekly Performances

Currently, we play every Thursday at Espresso Art Cafe near the corner of University and Park in Tucson, Az: 8:30-10:30pm

We have a repertoire of over 150 songs and counting and we include both originals and covers. We keep it interesting each week by playing new music and occasionally we do a "guess that song" contest for free coffee!